Reported bugs, requested features & enhancements

Type: Topic: Section: Status:
# Type Topic Section Issue Summary Posted Status
249 Bug report CAVER PyMOL Plugin - I just installed the Caver plugin. However I am unable to perform the... Ruijie Zhang New
217 Bug report CAVER Analyst - Hi. Both of the Windows versions of CAVER analyst do not work. Both... Matthew Youngblut Reopened
240 Bug report CAVER PyMOL Plugin - Dear Professor, I tried to install Caver301 plugin to Pymol ver.... natsuki ishizuka In progress
241 Bug report CAVER (command line version) - I run the caver_3.0.2 on my linux system. But when I calculate the... Hanyong Jin New
242 Bug report CAVER PyMOL Plugin - When computing tunnes with the PyMOL plugin of a 500 step MD... Claire Coderch New
243 Feature request CAVER (command line version) - hi, I am using caver3.0 and i want to find out the tunnels in beta... Neetu Yadav New
244 Bug report CAVER Analyst - In installation of caver analyst on Mac OS 10.11.2, I receive the... Amie Boal New
245 Bug report CAVER Analyst - How do I installrun Caver Analysts After downloading to Mac (10.8.5),... Joseph Cotten New
246 Bug report CAVER Analyst - I cannot save any workspace on my PC and the following sentence... Gianantonio Battistuzzi New
247 Bug report CAVER Analyst - Cannot load Gromacs Trajectory. Tried with Java 1.7.0 and Java... Dario Gioia New
248 Bug report CAVER Analyst - Downloaded Caver Analyst to a PC (Windows 7 x64). The program wont... Maria Vogelauer New
250 Bug report CAVER Analyst - I run a tunnel calculation on few frames of Amber 14 trajectory, and i... Massimiliano Meli New
251 Bug report CAVER (command line version) - Results for few snapshot are not calculated properly. When calculated... Artur Gora New
252 Bug report CAVER Analyst - Mac laptop, Java 1.8, fresh download of caver_analyst. Trying to go to... Michael Lerner New
253 Bug report CAVER Analyst - I wanted to install caver analyst on my windows 8 PC but I cannot find... jetendra kumar New
254 Bug report CAVER (command line version) - It appears that the current beta for 3.0.3 has some difficulties with... Joshua Vermaas New
255 Bug report CAVER PyMOL Plugin - When I attempt to run Caver3.01 as a plugin in Pymol 2.0.6 , I get... Marilyn Jorns New
256 Bug report CAVER Analyst - I have installed Caver_3.0 and it is running well, however I am... Igor Tascon New
257 Bug report CAVER Analyst - When I installed caver analysis 1.0, it reported the error JVM... Shushu Zhang New
258 Bug report CAVER Analyst - Pymol scripts to enable tunnel visualisation in pymol are not produced... Bertie Ansell New
135 Bug report CAVER PyMOL Plugin - Pymol plugin error. Azat Gabdulkhakov In progress
176 Bug report CAVER PyMOL Plugin - I just reinstalled the pymol and caver3.0 plug-in, but the tunnel... Liangjun Zhao In progress
181 Bug report CAVER (command line version) - Hi I am running the script in the guided_example directory,... Attilio Vargiu In progress
183 Bug report CAVER PyMOL Plugin - The output directory is not found and I got this error message from... Philippe Urban In progress

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August 18, 2024

CAVER was recently cited in NATURE paper entitled Growth of complete ammonia oxidizers on guanidine.

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CAVER was recently cited in NATURE Communications in the paper entitled Long-range charge transfer...

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CAVER was recently cited in NATURE Communications in paper entitled Structural insights into drug...

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